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Sunday, May 13, 2007

XBOX Media Center (XBMC) headed for PS3

An extremely interesting post was put up on the XBMC forums earlier this week. Two developers from XBMC have set out to port XBMC to linux!

Their plan is to port XBMC to run on 2 other hardware platforms. Some of the platforms mentioned include PS3, Apple TV, or a Mac Mini.

This is really exciting, and they've even got it working already in Ubuntu Feisty. (You can check out a copy of the code from the XBMC SVN)

Also view the readme here

For more information or to add in your 2 cents about porting XBMC to linux / PS3 / whatever, check out this thread on the XBMC forums:

or come to IRC Freenode #xbmc


Saturday, May 05, 2007

PS3 Home Beta Signup

Here is the link to signup to become part of the Sony Playstation 3 Home Beta:

Sony has started testing internally and in European markets, but will soon be rolling it out worldwide. It's exciting to see how this works out for Sony, after all, they made Everquest...

[via ps3scene]
